Oil cleansing methods have become more popular recently for a reason. Many people are skeptical regarding the use of oil cleansers. It certainly seems counterproductive to use products with oil in order to remove excess oil from the surface of your skin. However, there are many different ways in which the products that you use impact the health of your skin, so it is crucial to understand these differences. Here are a few considerations that can help you to determine whether you should use oil cleanser or soap on the skin of your face.
What Impacts the Health of your Skin
The health of your skin is often linked to the overall pH balance of your skin. Your skin maintains a careful balance between its level of acidity and alkalinity. Whenever the pH level shifts away from its original natural balance, it is often capable of leading to substantial issues to both your skin and its health. You can often detect the existing pH level of your skin simply by examining the condition of the skin. There are also various pH tests that you can purchase from the store and perform in the comfort of your home.
How Products Impact pH Level of your Skin
Every product that is used on the skin will generally impact its pH level. Each product will have a different pH, as well as a different total effect. The pH level of any substance or surface is determined based on a scale that ranges from 0 to 14. 0 indicates the most acidic level possible, while 14 indicates the most alkaline level possible. 7 is neutral on this scale, which is the pH level of pure water. The skin is covered by a combination of substances. This combination is made up of natural oils, perspiration, and sebum. It serves to lock in moisture and protect the skin. Normal skin generally leans slightly toward the acidic side. This number most often falls between 5.4 and 5.9. When there are substantial variances in this pH balance, it often leads to severe issues with the health of the skin.
Skin that is Excessively Alkaline
When skin has a pH that is far too high, it indicates that it is excessively alkaline. This causes the skin to become extremely dry and sensitive. In addition, it often leads to signs of aging, such as the development of fine lines and wrinkles. This also tends to produce flaking skin, due to the excessive dryness. If you notice that your skin has these signs, it is likely that it is too alkaline. You should take whatever steps necessary to lower the pH level in order to restore a healthy balance.
Skin that is Too Acidic
Skin that has too low of a pH is likely leaning too far on the acidic side. This causes skin to become exceedingly oily and prone to the development of acne. When you take the steps to reduce the acidity level of your skin, you can minimize the likelihood of acne developing and help to restore a healthy balance to the pH level of your skin.
The vast majority of soap maintains a pH level between about 9 and 10. This high alkaline level allows for the skin to be thoroughly cleaned. However, it is particularly harsh on the skin. In addition, regular soap also tends to strip all of the natural oils from the surface of the skin. These oils are intended to provide a protective barrier to the skin, so stripping them away leaves the skin vulnerable to further damage. Stripping away the natural oils can also cause the skin to overproduce natural oils to replace the oils that were removed. This causes skin to become excessively oily and acne prone. It is crucial to avoid using products that will be too harsh on the skin or will throw its pH level too far out of balance.
Oil Cleansers
Oil cleansers tend to have a far lower pH than harsher soaps. This allows them to be far gentler on the skin, as well as prevents the stripping of essential natural oils. Many people are uncertain regarding the use of oil-based cleansers on the skin, because it seems like you shouldn’t use oil products to reduce oil levels on your skin. However, these cleansers are based on the idea that “oil absorbs oil” which can help to provide a thorough cleaning impact on the skin, without being incredibly harsh. Oil cleansers can be developed specifically for different skin types and various types of oil can be implemented to provide superior benefits for the overall health of the skin.
Other Ways to Protect your Skin
There are many other considerations, aside from the cleansing product that you use, that will help you to obtain healthier skin. You should ensure that you eat a healthy and nutritious diet. Avoiding processed foods, as well as adding fruits and vegetables to your diet, can go a long way toward improving the appearance and health of your skin. It is important to stay hydrated and drink enough water to keep your skin hydrated and flush out potential toxins. Visit a dermatologist whenever you notice any substantial issues with the health of your skin. It can also be incredibly beneficial to implement a regular skincare routine to improve the health and the appearance of your skin.
Here at Allen-Taintor Dermatology, we are dedicated to providing you with superior services to ensure that your skin maintains a beautiful, healthy appearance. We carry a broad selection of skincare products to ensure that you are using the right product for your skin type. We also offer an array of services to help improve the overall condition of your skin. It is important to obtain the appropriate products to appropriately care for your skin and maintain a healthy pH balance. To learn more about the services that we offer, contact our expert team at Allen-Taintor Dermatology today!